Live Demos
Safety training will never be the same.

Most safety training is boring. To provide engaging, memorable, and impactful safety training, Live Safety Demos give workers the experience of an injury without actual harm. The demos incorporate hyper-realistic human body parts, physical simulations of tools and equipment, and high-speed videography.
Safety Applications
We develop tools that enable simple, efficient, and consistent data collection aligned with cutting-edge approaches.
Safety Classification and Learning (SCL)
Created by the principal author of the SCL model, our SCL application walks the user through the model by asking a short series of simple questions and providing guidance for assessing whether high energy was present, if an incident occurred, and if a direct control was present. The data is then uploaded to a secure server in a consistent format that can be used for benchmarking and shared learning.
The SCL app works on both desktop and mobile devices.
Watch it in action in the videos below:
A customized SCL dashboard comes free with the SCL app subscription. The dashboard allows to analyze the data entered through the SCL app. It automatically updates to always reflect the latest trends and patterns.
The SCL dashboard works on both desktop and mobile devices.

Precursor Analysis
Our application enables precursor analysis scorecards to be simply and quickly filed from a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, and the data to be saved to a secure server in a consistent format. This enables the identification of those precursors that occur more frequently and require strategic intervention. Our app also provides an immediate assessment of SIF potential, and records the mitigations for each precursor identified.
For more about precursor analysis, visit the dedicated page.
The precursor analysis application works on both desktop and mobile devices.
Watch it in action below: